
If you need inspiration, go to Norway. Quite possibly the most stunning scenery on earth. Simply breathtaking. You can read about it, see it on a map, look at pictures and talk to people who have seen it, but to truly understand the spectacle of nature that is Norway you must see it for yourself. There are over 290 mountains reaching heights above 2,000 meters, and 160,000 separate islands spread along the intricate and rugged coastline of Norway. Fairy-tale fishing villages and townships sit snug against lofty mountain ranges, ancient forests and plunging fjords. Hues of blue, purple, pink and crimson shift through the sky during long summer sunset evenings, beaming magic onto the surface of peaceful waterways.  Fishing fleets sit quietly in their cosy ports, contemplating their next confrontation with an icy and angry ocean. Everywhere you turn here, nature glows.

Experiencing Norway isn’t just a case of sitting passively in a car, train or ferry. You need to research and plan, travelling light and getting off the main road and into nature itself, onto the iconic tracks and treks that penetrate this impossible landscape to reveal the unforgettable scenery that this country is famous for. You need comfortable walking shoes. Or even better, you need hiking boots.

Planning is key. Booking accommodation, investigating travel options, selecting clothing, working around seasons, and selecting backpack snacks to help you manage more challenging hikes are all part of the adventure. Fortunately, locating excellent places places to taste fresh local seafood is not such a challenge because seafood is so fundamental to the diet in Norway.

Norway Adventures

Norway Seafood

Norway Seafood Sustainability